
The Secret of Happiness

We live in a nation that has mistaken pleasure for happiness.

Pleasure can be pursued directly, but not happiness.

Think of the times you have felt truly happy. In each of those moments, you were feeling grateful for something; a special moment with a special person, a beautiful sunset, the arrival of good news…

Happiness is the warm glow of gratitude, and the happiest people in the world are those who have learned to celebrate the ordinary.

“Lasting happiness starts with one question… what can I celebrate?”

– Michael Beckwith

“Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate!”

– Dewey Jenkins

“Happiness, not in another place but this place… not for another hour, but this hour.”

– Walt Whitman

Are you old enough to remember Zig Ziglar? He was constantly talking about maintaining “an attitude of gratitude.”

Take a moment to write down 5 things for which you are grateful. Then take another moment to realize that each of those things makes you happy.

Right now I’m celebrating Aaron and Kelsie Kleinmeyer of Kansas City. They are in the process of building America’s second free wedding chapel, and the remarkable part is that they are doing it on their salaries as schoolteachers!

Did you read what Manley Miller wrote in the rabbit hole last week about passion?

“We use the English word ‘passion’ to describe a love for something, or a deep inner drive. ‘I have a passion for cooking,’ or ‘I have a passion for fishing,’ or ‘I have a passion for football,’ or whatever. But passion is a word borrowed from the French ‘pation.’ The root of the word is ‘patior,’ a Latin word that means ‘a willingness to suffer.'”

“Feelings follow actions. When you commit to something, what you’re saying is, ‘Even if this gets hard, I’m going to keep on doing it. Even if this causes me pain and suffering, I’m going to keep on doing this.’ That’s why the last week of Jesus’s life is called the Passion Week. It’s not because everything was warm and fuzzy and lovey-dovey, but because it was a week of suffering. Jesus was fully committed to pay the price of reconciling us back to God. He decided in advance that our lives were worth his suffering.”

1. Pleasure is easily purchased, but pleasure is not happiness.

2. Happiness is the warm glow of gratitude.

3. Passion is happiness taken to the next level.

Aaron and Kelsie have a genuine passion about marriage. They are willing to sacrifice so that other couples can have a beautiful place to get married. Their little chapel on the prairie is a gift of love to thousands of couples they’ve never met.

To receive with gratitude brings happiness.

But to give with joy requires passion, the most intense happiness of all.

Didn’t someone once say, “It is happier to give than to receive,” or something like that?

Roy H. Williams

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Wizard of Ads Monday Morning Memo
Weekly marketing advice by the world's highest paid ad writer, Roy H Williams.