
2008 Business Forecast from high atop Wizard's Tower

America split into 3 camps last year.

Those camps came sharply into focus at Christmas.

1.   The Hunker-Down crowd cut back their purchases, uneasy about dwindling dollars and rising debt. Traffic in non-discount retail stores was sluggish as a result.

2.   The Full-Speed-Ahead crowd did business as usual. God bless’em. “Damn the torpedoes! I choose not to participate in a recession! The only thing to fear is fear itself!”

3.   The I’m-Too-Rich-To-Worry crowd spent somewhat more on Christmas than last year, almost enough to offset the penury of the Hunker Downs. While the total number of transactions was down for December, the average sale was slightly up, due to the largesse of this group.

Here’s what to expect in 2008:

We’re going to see an increasing number of purchases influenced by the head instead of the heart. Service and selection are taking a back seat to quality and price. In the language of Myers-Briggs, we’re shifting from an F (feeling) mindset to a T (thinking) perspective.

In Advertising, both the Hunker Downs and the Full Speed Aheads are looking for clear statements of benefit. The I’m-Too-Rich-To-Worries are looking for exclusive brands.

Efficiency providers like Sam’s Club and Costco will continue to thrive. As will sellers of prestige brands that are never discounted. Retailers who have built their businesses on service and selection will feel pressure to reinvent themselves. It’s going to be a very good year for consultants.

How about you? Would you like to gain some insight about what to do next?

Wizard Academy is a 21st Century Business School.

Your goals are your own business.

Helping you reach them is ours.

Q: How is a 21st century business school different than a 20th century business school?

A: We recognize the value of intuition. Traditional business schools teach that decisions should wait until all the data is available. But intuitive innovators who know the right answer before all the data is available are now leapfrogging businesses who continue to follow the old-school logic. The big fish are no longer eating the little fish. The fast fish are eating the slow.

Which fish will you be?

Begin 2008 with a visit to Wizard Academy and see if it doesn't brighten your future.

We'll see you when you get here.

Roy H. Williams

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Show artwork for Wizard of Ads Monday Morning Memo
Wizard of Ads Monday Morning Memo
Weekly marketing advice by the world's highest paid ad writer, Roy H Williams.